How to prepare and pitch an influencer marketing campaign

October 10, 2018

Influencer marketing is a new and hot topic even for experienced agencies. Therefore sometimes it is not easy to prepare ideas and pitch influencer marketing campaigns to clients. The following article should help to focus on the most important steps in pitching influencer marketing campaigns.

1. Choose your clients wisely

It’s difficult as a business owner to turn away business, but it’s a vital part of operating effectively and a necessary evil. You need to ensure that your client base matches your abilities and expertise so that not only can you serve your clients well, but you can keep up a work rate that produces maximum income over time. Be ruthless, and make the right decision.

If you want to sell more influencer marketing campaigns to your clients it makes sense to clearly define the exact market that your clients you want to target. Question yourself constantly and remember that you need to ask yourself: what type of brands does influencer marketing really make sense for. Make sure your targeted client has an active role in national or international scope. A product with local scope is not ideal to work with influencers because the accessibility to your product has to have the maximum possible scope.

Questions to answer before deciding

  • Is it interesting, revolutionary and marketable?
  • Do they have the required budget for the work involved?
  • Can influence marketing really help?
  • Is the client open for new types of advertisement

The answers to this questions can give rough estimations if you should prepare and pitch an influencer marketing campaign for your clients.

2. Create a desire for influencer marketing

If a celebrity or social media influencer posts to a social media platform about a certain product, it instantly markets the product to a set of consumers that other platforms don’t reach. So the product comes into the public spotlight because of the volume of users that actually see it. Celebrity endorsement of a product can be the difference in making or breaking a business.

Important stats

  • 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations
  • Only 33% trust ads
  • Retention rates of customer-generated by word of mouth marketing are 37% higher than those generated by paid ads
  • 20% of internet users time is spent on content
  • 74% of internet users rely on social networks to guide purchases

3. Search and present two or three mouthwatering influencers that fit the brand. Then calculate the cumulated reach the client could achieve

Context: An influencer differs for every brand because they are a contextual fit. This should be considered as the most vital point when considering your brand influencers. Justin Bieber may be known as possibly the worlds most “influential” social media user. However, would his tweet about your software really bring in sales? Probably not because 12-year-old girls are not interested in software. Defining context is the key.

Reach: After we establish someone as being a contextual match for a brand, we also want them to have reach so they can post unique content or positive reviews and recommendations in a way that will have a palpable impact. If your business sells clothes for the 13-18-year-old demographic, perhaps a mention to 37 million fans of Justin Bieber would be exactly what your brand needs.

Actionability: Conceptually, this is the ability of the influencer to create real action in their audience. This action comes without forced motivation when your use an influencer who’s audience aligns with your target market. Influencers are not needed to push themselves on a target audience because they are so-called, “opt-in” networks. Their audience follows them not due to paid advertising or manipulation of the markets but because they have some vested interest in the personality themselves. Their audience is engaged and is there to hear about the topic being discussed. Hence the need for a contextual fit.

4. Inform the client about different types of campaigns and what results they can expect.

Different metrics and methods of measurement can be used to define your success as it escalates to your original goals. Take a look at how online actions map to the consumer decision journey.

5. Create a presentation with all the information about your recommended campaign

The presentation should give an overview of the benefits of influencer marketing and then go on with a description of the concrete campaign you want to sell to the client. If you want to save time you can download our free powerpoint presentation template below and tweak it to your needs.

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